Cucumis - Servizio gratuito di traduzione on line
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Tutte le traduzioni - cucumis

Lingua originale
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Risultati 15041 - 15060 su circa 20584
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Lingua originale
Inglese View-translation-project
View the next translation of the project %p

Traduzioni completate
Bulgaro Виж-превод-проект
Svedese Se-översättning-projekt
Italiano Visualizza-traduzione-progetto
Rumeno Vizualizare-traducere-proiect
Albanese Shikoni përkthimin e ardhshëm të projektit%p
Arabo مشاهدة-مشروع-ترجمة
Ebraico צפה בתרגום הבא של הפרוייקט
Tedesco Ãœbersetzung-Projekt-anzeigen
Portoghese Visualizar-projeto-tradução
Olandese Bekijk de volgende vertaling van dit project %p
Spagnolo Ver la siguiente traducción
Giapponese View-translation-project
Turco Göster-çeviri-proje
Russo Просмотр-перевод-проект
Catalano Veure-traducció-projecte
Cinese semplificato 查看-翻译-项目
Esperanto Vidu-traduka-projekto
Greco Δείτε-μετάφραση-εργασία
Serbo Pogledati - prevod - projekat
Polacco Zobacz-tłumaczenie-projektu
Danese Se-oversættelse-projekt
Finlandese Katsele-käännös-projektia
Cinese 瀏覽專案譯文
Ceco Zobrazit překlad projektu
Croato Vidi-prijevod-projekt
Ungherese lásd-forditás-terv
Norvegese Se-oversettelse-prosjekt
Coreano 보기-번역물-프로젝트
Slovacco Zobraziť - preklad - projektu
Persiano دید-ترجمه-طرح
Lituano Peržiūrėti sekantį projekto %p vertimą
Afrikaans Besigtig-vertaling-projek
Thailandese ดูคำแปลถัดไปของโปรเจ็ค %p
Lingua originale
Inglese Translate or be translated
Do you want to [1]translate[/1] or to [2]be translated[/2]?
Keep [tags] untranslated in the translation. Use a punching style because it will be sued as a recurrent text on :) .

Traduzioni completate
Francese Traduire ou être traduit
Olandese Vertalen of worden vertaald
Bulgaro искате да бъде преведено или
Albanese Përkthe
Tedesco übersetzen oder übersetzt lassen
Svedese Översätt eller bli översatt
Arabo ترجم أو يترجم
Turco Çevirmek mi istersin veya çevrilmek
Rumeno Traduceţi sau solicitaţi traducere
Portoghese Traduzir or ser traduzido
Russo перевести-предложить для перевода
Spagnolo Traduce o sé traducido
Giapponese Translate or be translated
Italiano Tradurre o essere tradotto
Ebraico תרגם או הגש טקסט חדש לתרגום
Catalano Traduir o ésser traduït
Ungherese Fordítani avagy fordíttatni
Portoghese brasiliano Deseja-traduzir-traduzido
Cinese semplificato 翻译或索译
Esperanto Traduki aÅ­ esti tradukita
Croato Prevoditi ili treba prevesti
Greco Μεταφραστής ή μεταφραζόμενος
Serbo Prevoditi ili biti preveden
Polacco Tłumacz lub bądź tłumaczony
Danese Oversætte eller blive oversat
Lituano Versti ar pateikti tekstÄ… vertimui
Finlandese Käännä tai käännätä
Cinese 翻譯或待譯
Norvegese Oversette eller få noe oversatt
Coreano 번역하기 또는 번역요청
Ceco Překládat nebo přeložit
Persiano ترجمه کردن یا ترجمه شدن
Slovacco Preložiť alebo byť preložený?
Curdo Dixwazi bi qalibeni an ji bi de qalibandin
Irlandese Bhfuil uait (1)aistriúchán a dhéanamh(/1) nó (2) go ndéanfar aistriúchán duit(/2)
Afrikaans Vertaal of om vertaal te word
Thailandese ต้องการแปล หรือ ต้องการให้แปล
10Lingua originale10
Inglese Translation-requested-translation
Note that this website is not an automatic translation tool. Once you have requested a translation, you must wait until it is done by a member.

Traduzioni completate
Albanese Përkthim-kerkuar-përkthim
Bulgaro Превод-изискан-превод
Svedese Översättning-efterfrågad-översättning
Italiano Traduzione-richiesta-traduzione
Rumeno Traducere-cerută-traducere
Arabo ترجمة -طلبت -ترجمة
Tedesco Ãœbersetzung-erfragt-Ãœbersetzung
Ungherese Kérni-forditàs
Francese Demander-traduction
Olandese Vertaling-aangevraagd-vertaling
Portoghese Tradução-tradução-requisitada
Polacco Tłumaczenie-użytkownik
Spagnolo Este sitio no es una herramienta de traducción automática
Turco Çeviri-talep edilen-çeviri
Cinese semplificato 翻译-索求-翻译
Russo Перевод-запрос-перевод
Ebraico תרגום-בקשת-תרגום
Catalano Traducció-sol·licitar-traducció
Giapponese 翻訳請求
Esperanto Traduko-petita-traduko
Croato Prijevod-molba-prijevod
Greco Μετάφραση-υποβληθείσα-μετάφραση
Serbo Prevod - trazeni - prevod
Lituano Vertimas-reikalingas-vertimas
Danese Oversættelse-forespørgsel-oversættelse
Finlandese Käännös-pyydetty-käännös
Cinese 翻譯-請求-譯文
Norvegese Oversettelse-anmodet-oversettelse
Coreano 요구하는 번역에 대해서
Ceco Překladač-vyžádáte-překlad
Persiano ترجمه-درخواست شده-ترجمه
Slovacco Požiadavka na preklad
Curdo Werger-daxwazkirin-werger
Mongolo Хэн нэгэн гишүүн орчуултал хүлээх
Afrikaans Vertaling-aanvraag-vertaling
Islandese Takið eftir að þessi vefsíða er ekki sjálfvirkt tæki.
Klingon mugh-tlhob-mugh
Sloveno Prijevod-molba-prijevod
Thailandese แปล-ร้องขอ-การแปล
Lingua originale
Inglese Export-language-file
Export to a language file
What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";»
Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :


Traduzioni completate
Bulgaro Експортирай-езиков-файл
Svedese Exportera-språkfil
Rumeno Export-fişier-limbă
Albanese Spostoje te fajli i gjuhës
Arabo صدّر -ملف-لغة
Ebraico hebrew translation
Tedesco Sprachdatei-exportieren
Portoghese Exportar-arquivo-idioma
Olandese Exporteren naar een taalbestand
Italiano Esportare-file-linguistico
Spagnolo Exportalo a un archivo de lenguaje
Giapponese Export-language-file
Turco Dil dosyasına ihraç et
Russo Передача-язык-файл
Catalano Exportar-arxiu-llengua
Cinese semplificato 导入-语言-文件
Cinese 導入-語言-文件
Esperanto Eksporti-lingvo-dosiero
Croato Eksport-jezik-datoteka
Greco Εξαγωγή σε αρχείο γλώσσας
Serbo Eksport - jezik - datoteka
Polacco Wyeksportuj-językowy-plik
Danese Flyt til en sprogfil
Finlandese Vie-kieli-tiedosto
Ungherese Exportálás nyelvi állományba
Norvegese Eksport-språk-fil
Coreano 언어 파일로 보내기
Ceco Export-jazykový-soubor
Persiano ارسال-زبان-فایل
Slovacco export - jazykový súbor
Lituano Eksportuoti į kalbos failą.
Curdo Ji dosye zimenre bishine
Afrikaans Uitvoer-taal-leêr
Thailandese ส่งออกไฟล์ภาษา
Lingua originale
Inglese Customize-exportation-translations
With the exportation template you can customize the exportation of the project translations to the language files.
What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";»
Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :


Traduzioni completate
Svedese Skräddarsy-exportering-översättning
Rumeno Adaptaţi-export-traduceri
Ebraico hebrew translation
Tedesco Export-Ãœbersetzungen-anpassen
Bulgaro Индивидуализиране-експортиране-преводи
Albanese Pershtatje-spostim-perkthime
Arabo تفصيل -تصدير -ترجمات
Portoghese Personalizar-exportação-traduções
Spagnolo Con la plantilla de exportación tú puedes personalizar
Italiano Con i modelli d'esportazione puoi personalizzare
Turco Uyarla-ihraç-çeviriler
Catalano Personalitzar-exportació-traduccions
Cinese semplificato 自定义-导入-译文
Esperanto Agordi-eksporto-tradukoj
Olandese Aanpassen-uitvoer-vertalingen
Greco Προσαρμογή-εξαγωγή-μεταφράσεις
Serbo Prilagoditi - unos - prevodi
Giapponese カスタマイズ-エクスポート-翻訳
Danese Overflyttelsesskabelon
Finlandese Muuttaa-vienti-käännökset
Cinese 自訂譯文輸出
Ungherese A forditàsok kivitele
Norvegese Anpasse-eksport-oversettelse
Coreano 사용자지정-보내기-번역
Ceco Přizpůsobit-export-překladů
Persiano هماهنگ کردن-ارسال-ترجمه ها
Slovacco Prispôsobiť export prekladov
Lituano pakeisti-eksportacija-vertimas
Russo Настроить-экспорт-переводов
Afrikaans Aanpas-uitvoer-vertalings
Thailandese ปรับค่าการส่งออกคำแปล
Lingua originale
Inglese Translations-have-exported
The translations have been exported to the file %f
What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";»
Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :


Traduzioni completate
Bulgaro Преводи-бяха-експортирани
Svedese Översättningarna har flyttats
Italiano Traduzioni-sono-esportate
Rumeno Traduceri-fost-exportate
Albanese Përkthimet janë eksportuar tek file %f
Arabo لقد-صذّرت-ترجمات
Ebraico התירגומים יוצאו לקובץ בשם
Tedesco Ãœbersetzungen-wurden-exportiert
Ungherese Forditàsok-lettek-exportàlva
Francese traductions-exportées
Olandese Vertalingen-zijn-geëxporteerd
Portoghese Traduções-foram-exportadas
Polacco Tłumaczenie zostało zapisane do pliku %f
Spagnolo Las traducciones han sido exportadas al archivo %f
Turco Çeviriler %f arşivine ihraç edildiler
Giapponese Translations-have-exported
Catalano Traduccions-exportades
Russo Переводы-были-экспортированы
Cinese semplificato 译文-已经-导入
Cinese 譯文-已-導入
Esperanto Tradukoj-estas-elŝutitaj
Croato Prijevodi-posjedovati-izvoženo
Greco μεταφράσεις-εξαγωγή
Hindi अनुवाद–निर्यात–किये–गये–हैं
Serbo Prevodi - prenet
Danese Oversættelser-flyttet
Finlandese Käännökset-on-viety
Norvegese Oversettelserne-har-eksportert
Coreano 번역-보내지다
Ceco Překlady-byly-exportovány
Persiano ترجمه ها-داشتن-ارسال شده
Slovacco Preklad exportovaný
Lituano Vertimai-buvo-eksportuoti
Afrikaans Vertalings-uitgevoer
Thailandese ส่งออกคำแปล
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